Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Visitors Coming in for the Wedding

Kimberly arrived on May 20th about 8:30 pm. She brought Olivia over
 even though it was late just so we could enjoy her for a bit before she had to go to bed.

Tueday May 22nd Jane, Dave and randy flew in from Utah.
Jane and Dave stayed with us and we all got up early on Wednesday May 23rd
to travel to Nauvoo together for the sealinbg of John and Brittany.

When we arrived at our destination about 1 pm we checked into our room and
unpacked and rested a bit. Then we headed over to to the historical site to the family
living center. They have a display of some of the things the people did when they lived in
Nauvoo from 1839-1844. Then the Saints traveled west

 Baking bread in a brick oven 

 Candle making
 Rug weaving

Display on how they made flax into thread to make cloth 
Making a shawl

Rope making 
 Barrel Making
Carpentry tool from that time period 
 After our visit to the Family Living Center we went back to the hotel and got ready 
                to go to the temple to do an endowment session with John and Brittany and her parents
                 and grandparent.  My sister gave them their wedding gift before we went to the temple.

The gift was a temple packet for each of them. They each had an envelop
embroidered with the Nauvoo temple on the front and their names and the date they were sealed.

 Appreciation exchanged
Then it was off to the Temple
After the temple session we all went out to dinner at the Hotel Nauvoo
Hotel Navuoo IL

 Julaine arrives early Thursday morning and we all get ready to go to the temple for the big event

Brittany's Endowment

Saturday May 19th Don and I met Brittany, John, Sheri and Kevin at the temple so Brittany could get her Endowment. After the temple experience we went out to dinner together and just enjoyed each others company.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

On Friday May 11th Don and I headed to Delavan to spend a long week-end with Julaine and her family. When we got there we all went out to dinner at Popeye's in Lake Geneva. It was a beautiful evening and after the fish dinner we went for a stroll by the lake and down the main drag.

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After dinner Addison and I went across the street to walk along the lake and there was this fountain that she loved putting her hand in and catching the water in her hands and drinking it.
One of the reason we decided to go and visit Julaine is because she and Jason were going to run a half marathon in Lake Geneva early Saturday morning.  They were off by 6 am and we left at 7 pm after we got the kids dressed and feed them breakfast. 

Jason before the big race
Julaine giving Felix breakfast before the race
Stetching and preparing for the race
Jason looks a little tired before he even starts the race.
                                                Julaine and Jason with Gerren and Andrew 

Addison and Felix waiting for the race to begin

Ready, Set, 
Jason and Julaine were near the back of the heap when they started the race but they did not remain there.
Jason waving to Addison 
First stop to cheer Julaine and Gerren on. Addison had picked some 
wild flowers and was trying to hand them off to Julaine.

Jason passing the same corner about 10 minutes later.
Jason stopping to give Addison a flower he found on the run.


Addison just waiting for the end of the race

The Finish Line
 Julaine finally finishing the race at 2hours and 8 minutes
Gerren and Julaine with their metals
Waiting for the guys to make it to the finish and get their metals

I missed Jason coming through the finish line because I accidentally turned off the camera instead of taking the picture. I wanted him to run through again but he laid down in the grass and said he wasn't planning on getting up anytime soon.

Just catching their breathe and re hydrating after the race.
the rest of the day was spent just relaxing with Julaine and Jason at home.
We stayed over night and spent Mother's Day together. We started the day off by attending Church. and after Church we took family pictures

I love Addison's special smile in this picture

They still make a cute couple

Jason got Julaine these roses

Jason making dinner for Julaine and me
Jason talking to his own mom

Dinner was delicious. We had ham, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, rolls and 
Julaine had made a delicious Strawberry cream pie. 
After dinner we relaxed a bit outside and then we all took a walk together.
Felix time with Daddy

We stayed again Sunday evening.
 Getting up for breakfast. Addison loved going downstairs early in the morning to wake Grandpa. She hurries down the stairs when anyone says it's time to wake Don. She goes in his room and YELLS, "Grampa Get Up!" If Don just lays there she gets on the bed and climbs on don and Jumps up and down over his body. Who can sleep after that????

Our time with Felix on Monday

Such a happy guy. 

 Monday Don helped Jason with a few chores around the yard and then he took a break.
Addison talking with Grandpa Don
Don left late Monday afternoon and I stayed until Thursday
Tuesday Julaine mowed the lawn and Addison was her little helper, while I watched Felix
Go, go, Addison

As she used her little mower Addison collected flowers for her mom.
She loves to give flowers to her mom!!
She thought her dandelions and clovers were worthy enough to be placed
in the same vase as mommy's roses.
Here she is putting each flower in just the right place

Felix just enjoyed his time outdoors with me. What a cutie!!!

Wish I knew what he was thinking
What are you looking at Felix?
Addison was sitting on these rocks behind there storage unit just singing all by herself.

Her she is demonstrating that she did indeed know how to ride a scooter!
 After picking a few clovers she decided to replant them in the garden

 Addison loves to be pushed on the swing I think I pushed here for at least a half hour
 She likes me to sing this song I made up when my kids were little.
Swinging I'm swinging Hi-hi-high in the sky
Swinging I'm swinging hi-hi-high in the sky
I go up down up down High in the sky 'cause
I'm swinging I'mswinging Hi-hi-high in the sky
 When I got tired of pushing her she continued on her own

 Julaine relaxing after she finished the lawn mowing

 She likes to climb like a little monkey

 Felix playing happily in his saucer
There is that smile we love so much!

 Bath time

Singing songs before bedtime

 I went home on Thursday and Addison decided to stay over for a few more days
Addison truly loves flowers, she thinks they are the most beautiful thing she has seen so far
I told her that grandma had other flowers in her yard that weren't Dandelions or Clover
When I took her out to the back yard and told her she could pick 
all the dame rockets she she wanted she was so excited
Later she went out front to add variety to her bouquet.
 Here she is doing what she loves to do - picking flowers
 John is all dressed up pretty thanks to Addison
 Here is the bouquet she made all herself. She was so meticulous 
about putting each flower in just right I wish I would have taken a picture.
 Finger painting is one of those activities Julaine wanted to make a Grandma activity
So here is Addison finger painting for the first time.
 She is showing me her colorful hands
 Addison likes to play hide and seek but she makes it so easy for me to find her

 When she takes a bath at my house she loves to color with bath crayons

 Out like a light
When Don went to bed he came and got me for this last picture of our visit together
It was a wonderful week.