Sunday, November 16, 2008

A week of memories

Last week is all but a memory now and the warm 70 temperatures of that week are a thing of the past and not likely to be seen again till late spring next year. The temperatures this week were in the 30's and 40's. Burr it was cold.

I had a pretty nice week. My friend Kathy came over and we made some Christmas picture books together. I plan on giving these to the kids in my seminary class. They are pictures of the true Christmas story with scriptures and hymns that go along with them. You see a picture on one page and a scritprue on the other and an occassional a song to sing as you go through the book. I have to say they turned out really nice. I sure hope my class really likes them.

Wednesday Julaine came over and we were suppose to work in the basement. I still have the utility room to do but I was so tired I really didn't want to use any energy I had to work down stairs. She mentioned that she wanted to make some Christmas stockings for her and Jason and one for the coming baby. So we went out looking for material. We ended up trying three fabric stores because they didn't have much of a selection of doubled sided quilted fabric. We ended up at the first store we went to and she picked a Christmas plaid. It's the nices of all that we saw. I made a pattern from one of my stockings and she was going to cut out the fabric and then on her next visit we are going to sew them up.

She also saw the Christmas books I made for my seminary class and asked me if she could have one so I copied off the pictures and scriptures pages for her and she took that home to put together. I was so excited that she asked for one because as a child growing up I had a large three rign binder like this and when my girls were small they would snuggle up close and we would go over it a couple of times during the Christmas season. It is such a good family tradition and now she is going to start that up with Jason.

In seminary this week for one of the days I made a survivor game and we played that as a review of some of the events of Christ's last week of life. I had challenge cards which had questions and scripture chase cards and I had immunity cards that they had to get five different cards to get an immunity these card were pictures of the prophet, the Book of Mormon, prayer, Holy Ghost and the commandments. They had to get one of each card to get an immunity a few other cards in this group to make it exciting were cards that said things like “You have just earned Immunity; Go to Tribal Council”; trade 1,2 or 3 cards with opponent; “You’re a Robber, steal a card from any player”; give 1,2 or 3 cards to any player; take 1,2 or 3 cards from any player; “You read your scriptures, draw immunity cards until you get a card you need” The point is we had a fun time and I think they learned alot.

A very dear friend's husband died this week and I really feel for her. She and her husband were married over 60 years ago and they had been sweethearts since they were in the second grade. He was diagnosed with Lung cancer in early June and they gave him 6 months to live. He died peacefully in his home on Tuesday. This is a really difficult time for her. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to go and to set up the picture displays and the flowers in the Foyer, Relief Society and Chapel in our church building. It made me feel like I could do one last kindness for this wonderful man.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Busy Week

This has been some week. The Election has come and gone. John and I had some discussion about it since my candidate didn't win he thought I'd be all upset but I let him know that as soon as I found out Obama won I prayed for him as my country's leader. He was impressed by this but I explained that he now needs all the help he can get and I can hope that he will do a good job.

Julaine came in on Tuesday this week as we continue organizing and cleaning in my basement. Mostly she is great moral support and she's good at telling me to "throw it out". I need that because with all the different church callings I've had I've saved alot of stuff. I doubt that I will ever be called to some of these callings again like chorister so I can get rid of all the posters and props I made when I did that calling. We have gotten rid of lots of stuff. It feels good though and I'm so grateful that she is willing to do this with me. Isn't she a sweetheart!!!! John didn't like it when me moved his garbage to a certain corner in the basement and I told him he could only have that space and couldn't take up any more space in my basement. He blames my attitude on Julaine but in reality I have told him this before it's just that he knows I mean business and he doen't like it. He's so used to getting his way and sweet talking me into whatever he wants. But I'm standing firm on this one.

Seminary went fine this week except that on Tuesday I noticed that I had misread what lessons we were to cover this week. I thought I was only suppose to do Luke 10-14 but I was suppose to cover 10-16. I really had to scramble to pool my lesson plan and all the ideas together to accomplish this goal. I don't want to get to far behind.

For Wednesday, I had made a race track game board with spaces to move toward the finish line that I hung on the blackboard with magnets. I used two magnetic race cars one for each team. Then I asked questions and held up a vanity plate (a Wisconsin lisence plate with letters to make up the answer of the question, for example HPAWKRC = hypocrisy) I had 16 questions for chapters Luke 12 and 13. After each question an answer we would have some discussion about the verses the questions included.

Thursday I had to take my mother-in-law to the doctor. Her ears were full of wax and I really had to yell for her to hear anything. We wanted to get in the week before but the doctor was on vacation. Anyway I'd love for anyone to answer this question. Whenever we arrive at the doctors there is usually only one or two people in the waiting room, and they are there to see other doctors. I know this because each doctor has his/her own nurse and they call the patients in. We wait in the waiting room anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. I see no one come in or out and finally they call our name. The doctors rooms are all empty and then we wait again another 15 minutes to 45 till the doctor comes. So here's the question "Why is that"? Anyway I can always count on 2-3 hours for a simple check up appointment. It's so frustrating to me but I went prepared and worked on my lesson plan for Friday while I waited. I got my lesson basically organized and what I was going to do. That worked out great for me. They cleaned her ears and she can hear much better again. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took her to day care after the appointment.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today was a great day in seminary. As the teens came into class this morning I had an obstacle sitting in the doorway. John came in first and walked around it but when Abbie came through the door he moved it so others could get by. I replaced it and the other students just walked around it. This was part of an object lesson. We discussed Luke 10 today. The first few verses are about the Lord calling the 70 and sending them out to preach the gospel. We talked about how this is a sign of the true church.

Then I told them a couple of stories. One was about a guy who had a motorcycle accident on the freeway and over 900 cars passed him by before someone stopped to help him. the other was a story about a Blue Max truck that seemed to show up when people were in trouble and when they would try to pay him he just told them to do a kindness for someone else. Long after the Blue Max retired there were others out doing his work.

I mentioned that there was an obstacle as they walked into the seminary classroom this morning and how most of them just walked around it as if it wasn't there. I read them the story of the Kings Highway and we related the obstacle to that story. I lifted the obstacle and there was a treasure box of treats which I gave to John because he was the only one who moved the box so others could get in the door easier. He shared it with everyone.
Then I explained that these stories were different but similar to a story we were going to discuss today. the Good Samaritan.

We Read through the story and as we did I asked them to see if they could understand the hidden meanings and fill in the handout. Then we discussed the story.

The traveler = each one of us.
Was going from Jerusalem (a very high city at 2600 feet above sea level) to Jericho (very low elevation at 1800 feet below sea level). So in a space of 15 miles, you drop down over 3400 feet. Jerusalem = the presence of God.
Jericho = earth. So our coming to earth was a pretty steep drop from the presence of God.
fell = our fallen condition when we come to earth.
among thieves = Satan’s angels who wish to do us wrong spiritually.
and they departed = Satan never sticks around when you need him; he leaves you half dead spiritually.
is wounded = by sin and temptation
and is left alone = aren’t we left alone in this world? We could die spiritually.
Priest = An Anorak priest, a priest after the order of Aaron. Can the Priesthood of Aaron
alone save us? (No)
Levite = Levites administered the Law of Moses. Can the Law of Moses alone save us? (No, although the Jews at that time believed that the Aaronic Priesthood
and the Law of Moses could save them.)
Samaritan = Jesus Christ. Samaritans were despised because they were half-breed…they were half holy and half Gentile. And the reason the Israelites despised them is because they claimed to be of the blood of Israel. Jesus Christ is a half-breed—half holy because God is his father, and half mortal because Mary is his Mother.
Bind wounds = Jesus heals us spiritually.
Pours oil on him = blood of Christ at the Atonement. Gethsemane means “oil press.” When you press olives in olive presses, the oil comes out red. We use oil to anoint people to heal them—His blood heals us.
Sets him on his beast = the man was so weak that he could not climb upon the beast on his own—he needed help. Jesus does for us what we can’t do for ourselves.
Pays what he owes = Jesus makes a payment for us. After we do all we can, he makes up the difference.
Pays again if needed = the atonement isn’t limited to one payment. It is an infinite and eternal Atonement.

Then we talked a bit about Mary and Martha. We read those verses in Luke 10 and I explained that Sheri Dew gave a talk about Mary and Martha and that Dallin Oaks gave a talk about Good, Better, Best and explained how these related to the scripture story of Mary and Martha.

Then I concluded by showing them an apple pie I had baked.
I asked Todd if he would like a piece of this pie? He was more than eager. So I grabbed a piece of pie with my hand and plop it into a napkin and handed it to Todd. Unsurprisingly he didn't want it any more? Then I said "Abbie I think you would really like a piece of pie" and she said "sure". So I cut the pie and served it on a glass plate. Then I asked, "Who would now like a piece of pie? After serving pie to everyone I asked, "What makes the difference? Does it matter how we serve?" All three of the stories we’ve discussed today have to do with service. And with all of them, it did make a big difference on how they served.
Then I read the following poem. Which I had made into a handout with a picture of the good Samaritan in the background

I expect to pass through this world but once.
Any good thing, therefore, that I can do
Or any kindness I can show
to any fellow human being,
Let me do it now.
Let me not defer nor neglect it;
For I shall not pass this way again.

Stephen Grellet