Monday, December 29, 2008

Busiest week of the year

This has been such a busy week. Christmas Eve was spent at my sister Pam's home. The food was absolutely delicious. She served a variety of appetizers and the one I liked the most was the one I thought I would hate. It was greenbeans and red peppers wrapped in bread with some sort of sauce. MMM GOOD!!!

Christmas day we were all gathered together for our traditional Christmas breakfast. We had fruit salad, chicken fried steaks, scrammbled eggs and everybodies favorite cinnamon pecan rolls. After the breakfast we read the Christmas story and we sang different Christmas carols as we read. After we opened Christmas gifts. The rest of the day was quiet and we had our dinner about 5 pm. Then there was the walk around the village and after we watched "The Polar Express" with our friends the Flemings. All in all it was so good to have my children all together at different times throughout the week.

Saturday we had a baby shower for Julaine. Jennifer had sent the invitations, Kim planned the games and we all worked together on the food. We served chicken salad sandwiches, mini-smokies in a crescent roll and bacon wrapped waterchestnuts, a hugh veggie tray, and a variety of guick breads. We served Red Velvet cake for dessert. It was delicious. Julaine received so many cute outfits and toys for her little baby. She was really excited. Everyone was so generous and Julaine seemed to have a really nice time.

To finish off the week we all were gathered to celebrate John's 18th birthday. It seems to me it was only a few weeks ago that I gave birth to him and now he's a grown up how did it all happen so fast? I'm sure glad he came into our family he has been a real joy, so were each of my girls but I'm glad I got to experience having a boy too. Anyway his girlfriend, Brittany had a surprise party for him Saturday evening and he had a really great time. Sunday is a hard time to celebrate a birthday because there isn't the same opportunites since we won't go anywhere on the Sabbath day. but we made the most of it and had one of his favorite meals (pigs in the blanket, ceasar salad and rolls) for his cake he wanted a chocolate cheese cake and for never having made one it turned out scrumpteous. After dinner and cake we played many rounds of scategories. We all had a good time playing that. I hope he thoght it was a great day for him.

Jennifer is now back in Ohio and Julaine and Jason back home in Sharon at least Kim will be here till January 4th when she an Tony fly back to Seattle. It's nice that they didn't all leave at once that would be a little to quick for me. The withdrawal symptom isn't as bad this way

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wonderful time

Seminary is over for the next two weeks and here I am up at 4 am doing e-mail and now making this entry on my blog. These last two weeks in seminary have been great we studying the book of John and finishing it up with the last week of the Savior's life. This Christmas season has been a little tearier than usual because in Seminary we have done the Christmas lesson twice and the last week of his life four times. It is fresh and clear in my heart.

We had a seminary auction Saturday evening. It was suppose to be on Friday but we had a terrible snow strom and had to cancel class. Anyway about a week ago I sent an email out to the sisters in our ward for donations and as of the 14th I only had two donations. So I sent out another email with a desperate plea. I was wonderfully surprised when on the 17th I recieved many donations for the auction. I couldn't believe how generous the sisters who donated were.

We got together Saturday evening and I served dinner. We had Lasagna and homemade French bread, and a salad. After the dinner we started the auction. The students seemed to have a good time and everyone went home with a few items.

I had made a picture booklet of the true Christmas story with pictues, scriptures, and Christmas songs. I gave each of them one as a Christmas gift.
The auction lasted about two hours and everyone stayed and helped clean up. It was a success.

Sunday we had our Christmas program at church. I'm in the choir and we have a new choir director and we did some really pretty songs. It was a wonderful service and we were blessed to have my daughter Kimberly with us. She came home for Christmas from Washington. She was really lucky to be with us because she had a lay over in St. Louis for 12 hours but their was a delayed flight going out of there so she asked to get on that flight and got a lot of No's but when they were bording they let her get on too. Instead of coming in around 9:30am on Sunday she got here about 11pm. That was such a nice surprise.

Christmas is just three days away and I still have to wrap the Christmas presents and prepare the food for the day. Jennifer is coming in from Ohio tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to her visit too. We'll have all the family gathered for this next week. The house will be full of excitement and it's wonderful.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's officially winter

We had a quiet but wonderfull Thanksgiving. John went up to Shawno to have Thanksgiving with his Uncle Jim and do some deer hunting. He left
Wednesday evening just after work. Julaine and Jason went out to Washington to spend the week with Kimberly and Tony. And Jennifer was spending the day with Eric and his parents. So it was just my mom and Don's mom. I served appetizers about 1pm and my mom and I watched a Christmas movie "The Bishop's Wife" (still my all time favorite Christmas movie). We had dinner about 4pm. It was your traditonal meal - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, yams, asparagus, cranberries and pumpkin pie for dessert. It was delicious but the left overs will be great. Don did all the clean up and that was such a treat. When that was done we played phase 10. Like I said it was a quiet day.

Friday was my annual day for putting up the decorations. I did fairly good too. I only have the tree, the nativity, and the Bethlehem village to put up. I worked all day and finished up about 6pm. When Don got home from work we watche the movie the "Family Man".

Saturday I baked a few Christmas cookies. I now have 9 completed, 2 doughs waitning to be shaped and baked, one cookie that needs a chocolate topping. We'll see if I get them done. Julaine and Jasn got back to Milwaukee about 5 pm. they stayed for dinner and then they headed for home too.

Sunday it was back to preparing for Seminary. I really feel so inadaquate in this calling. I never feel totally prepared and I wish it was a little easier and that I wasn't so tired all the time.

December first came in with a bang. I cancelled seminary, not because there was that much snow (5 inches) but because of the 1/2 inch of ice beneath the snow.
It was cold and windy too. It's enough to make one shiver. I was glad I could just stay in and enjoy the warmth of my house.