St Patrick's Day Visit
I had the chance to go to Julaine's for a week. And so I made a scavenger hunt
for Addison in preparation for the visit. I found this site that had all the clue cards already made ( and all I had to do was to print them off so I just had to make the treasure. I shopped around for two weeks looking for Twizzler rainbow licorice. I couldn't find any so I bought some green candy things to give Addison but the day before my visit I was in Walmart and I decided to look again at the candy aisle and I was so surprised when they had the licorice. So I bought some and made my treat treasure up and packed my things and headed to Julaine's on Sunday the 18th.
Addison and the first clue
She found this clue so fast.

After a few more clues we ended up outside the weather was so nice. Addison is so cute finding this clue.
This is the last clue that leads her to the treasure. Jason lifts her up to retrieve it.
When she found the bag we brought it in the house and she opened it up.
She found a mini Tangled doll to go with her other Disney Princess dolls and treats for the whole family.
The rainbow licorice topper said "You are my pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow. So cute!
During the week Addison and I had fun together here is Addison helping me make Pigs in the Blanket for lunch. She loves to help in the kitchen and it's fun for me too.
I brought her a ballerina outfit and here she is having a tea party wearing the cute outfit.
Here she is dancing for us. She wears this little necklace every day. It used to be Julaine's when she was about that age.
I had the chance to sing many lullabys and get Felix to sleep. Doesn't he look so peaceful?
It was a great week. I read stories, played games, painted and played with play dough. I also baked cookies with Addison and I played So Big and This Little Piggy with Felix at least enough times to hold me over till I see him again.
John's Engaged!!!!
I asked John many times when he was going to get engaged to Brittany. At Christmas when I asked if he was going to give her a ring then he said he would never be so cliche. So he got engaged on February 14th isn't that cliche John? He said he woke up that day and felt it was the right day. He took Brittany's dad Kevin out to lunch and sked for her hand in marriage. He said yes and then they went to get the ring together. John took her out to dinner and then he took her to the pier at Summerfest. He got down on one knee and asked her the big question. Brittany did not hesitate with a resounding YES.
Congratulations you two you make a cute couple.
Kimberly and Tony came to Wisconsin so that the whole family could meet Olivia.
While she was here Felix and Olivia were blessed. Felix was blessed on Sunday,
February 26th and Olivia the next Sunday on March 4th. Tony gave Olivia her
blessing and it was so sweet. Here are a few pictures of the day. I love the one
with Don and both the grandkids
Four Generations
On February 26th Felix had a special day. It was the day he received his blessing. Don gave the blessing and it was just beautiful. I was so glad to see all of Jason's family come to church and hear the blessing too.
I was able to find a cute little white tux for Felix and
he looks so cute in it.
Julaine looks so beautiful and she is so happy.
I love this picture of Don Kissing Felix.
They seem to have a special bond.
After sacrament meeting was over we all headed over to Julaine's for lunch I wish I had taken a picture of the food before it was served she did a beautiful job and we all had a great time together.
Addison's 3rd Birthday
I got home from Kim's in time to have a few days with Don and then I headed to Julaine's to help her with Addison's birthday party. Julaine made these adorable princess cakes for each of the girls.
The girls coloring their crowns
Having Lunch
Felix time
Later in the day I gave her my gift which after opening she wanted to use it right away
We found some paper for her to paint on and then she began. She loved experimenting with the colors.
She made three pictures.
Family birthday cake
I think she had a special day!
Visit to Meet Olivia
I got on a plane on January 21st to go and help Kimberly and Tony with the new baby. Tony picked me up from the airport and he was so glad to see me. It has been difficult with Kim having had a c-section. I don't think he's gotten much sleep with the two of them. It was a wonderful week for me. I had plenty of time to hold Olivia, feed and change her, burp her and sing lots of lullabyes to her. I helped with dinners, and cleaning and in general where ever they needed me. I was in heaven. I love taking care of my family.
What a beauty! Pink seems to be her color.
Tony looks like a professional dad already!
New Granddaughter
Olivia Grace Rosensprung finally arrived on January 16th at 8:10pm. She weighted 10lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 and 3/4 inches long. Kimberly had to have a c-section but all is well. I'll be going to visit her as soon as they have their time alone with the baby. She's a keeper and so beautiful.

First Sleep Over
Julaine decided to go visit Kimberly before the baby came so Addison got to sleep over at Grandma's house for a week. Grampa giving Felix a hug before he left on the flight to Kimberly's
Addison wouldn't let Felix have all of Grandpa's hugs
I got her this cute jumper and just have to have a picture of her in it.
She's trying to hide from me. We were playing hide and seek.
Trying to get settled down for bed.
She was so cute I finally thought she was old enough to play with the toy kitchen set I have in our basement. I took her downstairs to show her and I told her she could play with it. She was amazed as I opened up the cupboard she said, "Oh My!" I opened the fridge next for her to see what was inside of it and she said, "Oh My", several times. I showed her this little blue apron and she took off her dress and put the apron on. She then began to play house. She was so into it that we were down stairs playing for a couple of hours. Finally I told her we had to go upstairs because I had to make dinner. She cried and cried she didn't want to stop playing. I told her she could play with it every day while she was staying at grandma's house and she did.
Christmas in Washington 2011
This year we spent Christmas with Kimberly and Tony. Julaine and Jennifer were going to spend the day with their in-laws so it was a perfect time to go see Kimberly because she couldn't fly home for the holidays because the baby is due within a few weeks and she is not allowed to fly. We arrived in Seattle on Saturday the 17th. We went to Church together on Sunday and we got to meet some of Kim's and Tony's friends. They seem to have great friends who really care about them.
Monday for FHE we decided to make Christmas cookies and candy. We each choose a recipe or two that we wanted to make and the baking began. Don opted out of the baking and decided to just do the dishes. Little did he know that we would keep him busy all evening. He had dishpan hands by the time we were all done.
Christmas day we all had a nice breakfast together before we went to church.
When we got home we opened gifts. There were even gifts for the baby.
Happy couple
My gift to Don. He looks great in blue.
Tony made a fire for me.
In the evenings we would either play our favorite game Sequence or
Tony would put on let's dance on his Wii. Don really had fun even though
Tony always had the higher score. Kim beat us all though. Way to go Kimberly!
Kimberly was ready to have this baby come out!
But it didn't happen while we were there. I hated to leave
her wondering when the baby would come
and if I would have to return in a few days.
It was a great visit for all of us.
First Grandson joins the family Nov. 8, 2011
Felix was born November 7th weighing lbs. 13 oz. and he was 20 inches long
Julaine called me around 11 am and told me the doctor was sending her to the hospital. My bag had been packed for a few days so I grabbed it and headed to Delavan. Jason was with Addison and when I got there a little after noon he headed for the hospital. It wasn't too long before we got the call that Felix had been born. Addison wanted to go to the hospital right away but I had to convince her that the next day would be best. The next day when we went to the hospital I was so amazed at how Addison was so very sweet and tender. She got into the bed and got close to Felix and took her finger and circled his whole face. Then she hugged him and told him she loved him. I was so glad that I could be there to enjoy that very special moment when brother and sister meet each other.
Grandma's first time with her new grandson at the Hospital and then later at Julaine's home.
Is that a smile starting to show?
Felix so cute. Is that a smile already?
Four generations of our family - how special!
Proud Papa
Addison holding Felix - Addison looks so grown up now.
Halloween Party Oct. 26, 2011
Julaine's ward had a Halloween party with a trunk or treat and she invited us to come and see Addison in her costume because she wasn't planning on taking her trick or treating this year because she didn't know if she would be home to do it. The baby could come any day now and she is quite uncomfortable. We decided to go we enjoyed watching her play the games and go trunk or treating. Addison went as Alice in Wonderland.
Here she is trying to carry the balloon on a flat tray without dropping it.
This was a bean bag toss but she stood right over the container and
dropped them in - easy as can be and received her treat.
She really like the small pumpkins and wanted to take this one home with her.
Grandpa and I swinger her high. She always says "More!!!"
Trunk or treating! Oh what fun!!!!