When Addison is with me I take her to the park every day. This is Jaycee Park and she likes this slide the best but she wouldn't turn so I could get her smiling face. We usually go to this park in the morning while I'm on my walk or on the way home from visitng Grandma Warren at Maple Ridge. Addison always sits in her stroller for an hour on those visits so I like to reward her with a trip to the park. In the afternoon after her nap we like to go to Lion's park right by my house. The slide is much bigger and I sit on the end and say you can't get me and she tries to slide down and touch my back with her feet before I can get up. She will do this over and over and over again.

When Julaine is at school during the week I have the priviledge of babysitting my granddaughter. She is at a cute phase. She seems to be adding words daily to her vocabulary. She may not always say it right but she says it cute. When we go to Jaycee Park she loves this swing because she has more freedom in it and I always worry that she will try to get off while she is swinging but so far so good. When she gets on the swing I always ask her if she wants to go high and she says yeah, yeah.

I had to make a trip to Patterson's orchard for some apples and they had pumpkins, haystacks, flowers, cornstalks and a large giant gourd. As soon as we got there Addison ran for the pumpkins.

She thought this gourd was really neat I tried to get a good picture of her sitting on it and sliding down but this turned out the best.

Addison went from pot to pot trying to smell each flower. She even tries to smell the artificial flowers I have in my home.

We read this book called baby at the farm, it is a touch and feel book, she loves feeling the hay. I couldn't get her to move off the hay for quite some time. She just liked sitting there and rubbing her hand on the hay.

This picture was taken one day when I took her to the parkway for a picnic. She loves to swing and this swing is really high off the ground. When she swings I like to sing to her this little song I made up for my kids when they were small. Swinging, swinging H-i-i-i-g-h, in the sky. Swinging Swinging H-i-i-i-g-h in the the sky. I go up down, up down high in the sky, cause I'm swinging, swinging H-i-i-i-g-h in the sky. She likes me to sing that the whole time while I swing her.