Julaine decided to finish her college education, so she headed back to school early in February. To my great joy I get to have Addison with me 24/5. We are enjoying every moment with her.
She loves any kind of food but especially snack time. Here she dragged out the pretzel container and helped herself. She likes these big pretzel's even better than the little fish ones.

Addison has a hard time sleeping in her pack-n-play so I've been laying down with her trying to get her to sleep. When I sing to her and she goes right to sleep. Here she is in John's bed before I move her to her own.

She loves any kind of music but she really likes playing the piano now that she is tall enough to reach the keys.

Everyday she finds some contraption that she seems to cling to most of the day. Here she is with the extendable duster. She wouldn't put it down all day. She tried to play with her toys while she clung to the duster. What was the fascination? I have no clue!

Grandpa just loves Addison. She has stollen his heart totally. Here he is giving her a snack.

One of my favorite times with Addison is giving her a bath. I love watching her splash and play and get a drink of water from the wash cloth. She loves the water!